neogen follica

Kiss hair loss goodbye.


We wanted to challenge the notion that aging meant weird hairstyles, Fedoras, and low self confidence.

That genetics determine your fate.

And that products derived from nature are somehow weak or ineffective.

With neogen follica, those notions are now obsolete. Kiss hair loss goodbye forever and reclaim your youth.

When it comes to health products, one should never have to choose between safety or efficacy. Our philosophy in researching and developing our products is built around an understanding of the human body as a well-designed, highly functional, bio-chemical electrical system—not just a bunch of individual parts completely separate from each other. We believe in using potent botanical ingredients instead of harsh chemicals with scary (and often undisclosed) side effects. Millions of men (and women) in North America and around the world suffer with androgenetic alopecia and other types of hair loss and we are passionate about doing everything we can to help.

Read our story.


Follow us on Instagram @hydeforever